Thursday 3 October 2013

Facts about bees and wasps

Bees can count
to four

Honey bees fly at 15 miles per hour

Bees and wasps are some of the most  feared insects due to their ability to sting and their great mobility. 

Honeybees may make 10,000,000 trips to gather enough nectar to make a single pound of honey. The total distance traveled by all the bees to create this much honey may equal twice the distance around the world. Their activity for this single pound of honey means a total distance flown of 55,000 miles and over 2,000,000 flowers visited.

Bee stings actually cause several deaths in the United States each year

Honey bees will travel up to 3 miles from their hive in search of food

There are three types of bees in the hive – Queen, Worker and Drone

A queen bee can lay her weight in eggs each day, laying 1 per minute, all day and all night, for a total of 1,500 eggs in 24 hours, and 200,000 in a year. One reason for this is survival, for if the workers have detected a pause in their Queen's egg laying they will immediately begin the process of creating a replacement.

Honey bees wings stroke 11,400 times per minute. This is what makes their distinctive buzz  

The only insect who produces food for humans are honeybees

 Honey bees never sleep!

Wasps feed on sweet liquids, and some that have been feeding on fermenting juice have been observed, eventually, to get drunk and pass out.

Bees can recognize individual human faces

The only bees that die after they sting are Honey bees

Wasps on the other hand are able to sting repeatedly 

The Queen Bee receives about 90,000,000 sperm from mating with a male, but she controls how they are used. Not only will she store about one tenth of them in a separate "spermatheca", but by creating fertilized or unfertilized eggs the queen can determine whether the eggs develop to female or male bees.

Honey bees have five eyes, 3 small ones on top of the head and two big ones in front  

Honeybee workers move to different jobs as they grow older: 
Week #1 - clean the hive
Week #2 - feed the larvae
Week #3 - do repair work on the honeycomb cells
Week #4 - guard the hive
Week #5 and beyond - collect pollen and nectar from flowers

Bees communicate with each other by dancing and by using pheromones

Brains of bees are the size of a sesame seed, which are about 20,000 times smaller than the human brain

Honey bees have to consume about 8 pounds of honey to produce one pound of beeswax 

Honey bees are responsible for pollinating approximately 80% of all fruit, vegetable and seed crops in the U.S

Bees are a part of the third largest insect order which also includes wasps and ants

All of the workers in the colony are females, so the vast majority of the eggs are fertilized to become females. However, when males are needed the Queen lays unfertilized eggs.

Female yellow jacket workers develop from the fertilized egg and male drones develop from the unfertilized egg

Bees are only able to sting once because the stinger of the bee remains in the victim’s skin. When the bee moves or is scraped away, the stinger is jerked from the bee’s body along with their venom sac causing their death


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