Monday 23 September 2013

Dead Paramedic Buried in coffin painted as Ambulance

OSLO, Norway-- A paramedic from Norway who died recently was buried in a coffin decorated like an ambulance, his family said.
Before Paul Rorset was buried, his coffin was taken on a procession to his childhood home and was then carried to Otroy church in Midsund municipality by his co-workers, who dressed in full uniform, The reported.
"He said that he wanted it, but he said it almost as a joke," his daughter Jeanette Rorset told TV2. "But the ambulance service was such an important part of his life, and he worked around the clock, so we decided to do it."
The coffin was painted by the same company that paints the ambulances Rorset used to drive.
"They were a little skeptical of the mission at first, but later they found it quite fun," said local undertaker Arild Kirkeland.


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